Multiple Bases/Outposts

Any time we receive a complaint or find that a tribe has more than one base structure we will do the following. Attempt to contact the tribe leader or admins using in-game chat, Xbox, and Discord If you can make contact with the player inform them of the rules and where to find them establish…

Built Too Close

Any time we receive a complaint that one player has built within 30 foundations of another player, do the following: Determine who was in the area first Attempt contact with the second player in the area via in-game chat, Xbox, and Discord If you can make contact with the player inform them of the rules…


Insiding is to be considered any instance where a player leaves a tribe and takes resources, items, or dinos that do not belong to that player; or, engages in destructive action with obvious intent to harm that tribe.  This, like with Tribe Dissolutions, will not always be an easy resolution. First Step The tribe making…

Leadership Change

In the event that a leader of a tribe decides to stop playing, but does not transfer ownership of that tribe, we will transfer ownership upon request given the following conditions are met: The player requesting the transfer is a member of the tribe in question The player requesting the transfer is either the only…

Tribe Dissolutions

Dissolutions This is one area where we find ourselves playing referee. Tensions are generally high, and people are worried about getting screwed; so, do your best not to get frustrated. Dinos If tribe governance is set to individual ownership, then dinos will go to whoever is listed as owning them. If tribe governance is not…

Tribe Mergers

In general, we shouldn’t be required to get involved in tribe mergers.  On occasion, however, creatures and structures may be excluded due to players joining and not merging the new tribe. First Step Your first step should be to, if possible, join the tribe whose structures/creatures were excluded from the merger to verify that the…