Prejudicial Conduct and Harassment

Definitions Prejudicial Conduct is defined as, any conduct that seeks, directly or indirectly, to denigrate an individual or group based on their skin pigmentation, sex, ethnicity, sexual orientation, or any other arbitrary characteristic. Harassment is defined as any repeated conduct which seeks to annoy or intimidate any player.   Servers and Social Spaces Conduct that fits the…


Definition Theft is considered to be the intentional taking of any resource, dino, equipment, or consumable not owned by the player who took the item(s).  This includes fertilized or unfertilized eggs and gacha crystals. Prohibitions You are not permitted to take any item or dino that does not belong to you without permission from the owner…


Definition Griefing is considered to be an intentional act that results in another player suffering a loss of resources, structures, dinos, equipment; or, where the player is killed. Prohibitions You are not permitted to intentionally drag any aggressive dino to a structure or dino belonging to someone else You are not permitted to fill any structure…